
Episode 1: The Eleventh Hour  Episode 2: The Beast Below  Episode 3: Victory of the Daleks  Episode 4: The Time of Angels  Episode 5: Flesh and Stone  Episode 6: The Vampires of Venice  Episode 7: Amy's Choice  Episode 8: The Hungry Earth  Episode 9: Cold Blood  Episode 10: Vincent and the Doctor  Episode 11: The Lodger  Episode 12: The Pandorica Opens  Episode 13: The Big Bang

《神秘博士第5季》的单集片长62分钟,共有4425人给本片的评分为6.4,整体还不错,看过《神秘博士第5季》的网友给它打上的标签是剧情 科幻 悬疑 冒险 美国。