Carag, a unique being straddling the line between human and mountain lion, possesses the remarkable ability to change his form. Raised in the untamed expanses of the Rocky Mountains, he yearns to understand the human part of himself, prompting him to leave behind his feline kin. In the company of his human adopted family, he conceals his true nature as a Woodwalker, grappling with the challenges of fitting into human society. His journey uncovers the struggle to balance his dual identity, and it isnt until he faces pivotal moments that he begins to comprehend where he truly belongs.影评:这部影片深刻探讨了自我认同和归属感的主题。主角的独特身份不仅让其在自然与文明之间徘徊,也引发了观众对自身身份的思考。通过精致的叙事和生动的角色塑造,影片成功呈现了探索自我与融入社会之间的微妙平衡。故事的情感深度与视觉美感相结合,为观众提供了一个引人入胜的视听体验。
《森林行者》的单集片长91分钟,共有2085人给本片的评分为7.9,整体还不错,看过《森林行者》的网友给它打上的标签是家庭 奇幻 科幻。