
In "Apocalyptic Cyclone," climatologist Jill Sanders receives alarming weather data indicating the sudden formation of an incredibly powerful storm system. As the death toll rises due to the devastating storm, she comes to the frightening realization that her small town is on the brink of becoming the epicenter of a massively destructive tornado that hurls giant chunks of ice.影评:这部电影充满了惊险刺激的气氛,观众将随着主人公一同经历恐怖的天气现象带来的威胁。剧情紧凑,视觉效果惊人,将观众带入了一场毁灭性的冰雹龙卷风之中。对于喜欢紧张刺激的观众来说,这部电影绝对不容错过。

《超级冰气》的单集片长77分钟,共有2589人给本片的评分为7.5,整体还不错,看过《超级冰气》的网友给它打上的标签是剧情 动作。