Following the unexpected and devastating death of his wife, Ben (played by Grant Rosenmeyer) seeks solace in a cryptic self-help manual that promises to teach him the extraordinary ability to soar through the skies. Determined to unlock this potential, Ben enlists the guidance of a peculiar spiritual mentor (portrayed by Paul Raci), whose questionable motives cast doubt on his intentions. As Ben delves deeper into this unorthodox journey of self-discovery, he must navigate the skepticism of his concerned sister and the scrutiny of a relentless detective who suspects foul play... This heartfelt and introspective tale delves into themes of grief, resilience, and the search for meaning in the face of tragedy. Through a stirring blend of emotional performances and thought-provoking narratives, the film invites viewers on a poignant exploration of the extraordinary lengths one may go to find healing and purpose in the wake of loss.
《飞行的秘密》的单集片长107分钟,共有1912人给本片的评分为9.6,整体还不错,看过《飞行的秘密》的网友给它打上的标签是剧情 喜剧 奇幻。