The story revolves around Dutch, a disabled and furious man who becomes determined to seek psychic abilities in order to track down the driver responsible for a hit-and-run incident on him. Amidst his pursuit for vengeance, Dutch gets entangled in Lyras quest to locate the enigmatic crystal called THE PARAGON. However, their journey takes an unforeseen turn when Dutch finds himself stranded in a parallel dimension, relentlessly pursued by Lyras malevolent sibling, HAXAN.Review:"The Paragon delivers a thrilling narrative intertwining vengeance and mystique to captivate its audience. The intricate plotline keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow Dutchs turbulent journey through dimensions and dangers. With a perfect blend of suspense and intrigue, this film is a rollercoaster ride of emotions and unforeseeable twists that will leave you craving for more."