
A female student named Ainun, deeply admires the figure of Abah Mulya, the owner of the Padepokan in Bumi Suwung village known for his extraordinary supernatural healing powers. One day, shocking news spread across the village - Abah Mulya was discovered dead, leaving Ainun devastated. But what truly rocked Ainuns world was the revelation that Abah Mulya was actually her biological father. Filled with a mix of grief and newfound emotional complexity, Ainun now embarks on a journey armed with determination and a longing to uncover the truth about her fathers mysterious past.Review: This emotionally charged narrative delves into the intricate connections between family, destiny, and the pursuit of truth. The unexpected revelation adds layers of depth to the storyline, keeping the audience engaged as they follow Ainuns compelling quest for answers. The themes of legacy and the supernatural are skillfully intertwined, creating a captivating tale that resonates long after the screen fades to black.

《塔格特》的单集片长102分钟,共有2973人给本片的评分为9.5,整体还不错,看过《塔格特》的网友给它打上的标签是惊悚 恐怖。